Mobile Museum Of Handicapped Architecture
L’image est le principal medium utilisé par l’architecture contemporaine. Les projets sont communiqués par des photographies et des rendus virtuels qui parcourent le monde à la vitesse de la lumière. Mais les images ne peuvent fournir qu’une expérience secondaire. L’espace ne peut être pleinement vécu qu’à l’aide de l’ensemble de nos sens. Lorsque vous supprimez un sens, ceux qui restent en deviennent plus intenses.
Pour augmenter l’expérience physique de l’espace, le projet handicape son architecture de son aspect visuel, son moyen de perception le plus immédiat.
Un exosquelette supporte la séquence des volumes qui accueillent dans leurs intérieurs obscurs les cinq situations correspondant à nos cinq sens. En touchant, en écoutant, en sentant les changements d’atmosphères, les spectateurs handicapés de leur perception visuelle suivent une expérience sensitive ralentie mais intensifiée. Utilisant un système de construction modulable, le projet peut être facilement monté et démonté.
Concours UIA / UMAR / Chambers of Architects of Turkey - Antalya Branch
Concours 2016 - Premier prix
Antalya - Turquie
The image is the primary medium of contemporary architecture. Projects are communicated using photographies and renderings that travel in light speed around the globe. But the image can only provide a second-hand experience, space is only fully experienced with all the senses. When you cut one sense, the remaining senses get more intense. To emphasize on the bodily experience of space, the present project handicaps architecture of the visual, it’s fastest mean of perception. Slowing down architecture therefore intensi es space. The proposal consists in a sequence of spatial situations that vary in dimensions, material, temperature, sound – in the absence of light. Touching, hearing, smelling the changing atmospheres, the visually handicapped visitors take along a slowed down but intensified, sensual experience. Using a modular construction system, the project can be mounted and dismounted and travel to public spaces around the world. An exosceleton supports the sequence of black (representing the absence of light) volumes that house five sensual situations, that are waiting to be experienced by you, dear visitor.
Up a ramp, the path slightly rises and arrives at the entrance situation, an obstacle-like porch with textile elements hanging from the ceiling, reminding all walking visitors that not everyone has the luxury of walking upright. The first sensual situation consists of an anechoic chamber, an extraordinary acoustic setting that makes you even hear the blood circulation in your ears. The next stage has an ondulating, narrowing section – unavoidably you would touch and feel the textured surfaces, caressing it with your fingertips. In the middle of the sequence you will experience a room that features a camera obscura – the sky is present through a small whole in the ceiling. This is followed by a section clad with sandalwood, a warm material emitting an unforgettable fragrance, that you will remain in your nose while you pass to the next stage, a cosy café where a glass of tea and a delicious local pastry are awaiting to melt in your mouth. Again the exit passage is formed by an obstacle-like porch which you will pass to reenter the every-day public realm.
The Handicapped Architecture Mobile Museum is supposed to travel around cities where it would be set up on public spaces. These are the places where society meets and where the question of the integration of all, the handicapped, the old and the normal should be discussed. Such a topic certainly requires a starting point. Why not starting the discussion by telling a story about a promenade obscure ?